Community Showcase
Here at Turners Retreat, we proudly support craftspeople by supplying some of the highest quality tools and materials in the industry. We love supporting people who enjoy creative hobbies or run their own small business, whether it be selling handmade products online or at craft fairs around the country.
We would like to further support you and your hobby or small business by providing an additional platform to showcase your handcrafted work, and somewhere for us to direct those looking to purchase a ‘finished’ or ‘custom made’ item for themselves or a loved one.
Every month, we will share a theme. You are invited to create new work or share photos of your existing work that relates to the chosen theme of the month. Submissions will be added to a page on our website for all to see! This will become a place for members of the public to browse handmade products and discover you and your small business. Your work will also inspire fellow makers within our community and potentially increase your online following, so let’s support and help each other grow!

What’s the catch? Our only ask is that the work you submit is made using something you purchased from Turners Retreat, whether it be the machinery, tools, or the materials, for example:
- Turners: A lathe, chuck, jaws, turning tools, blanks etc.
- Carvers: Wood blanks, carving knives, paints etc.
- Woodworkers: Bandsaw, drill press, clamps, forstner bits etc.
- Pyrographers: Machine, points, wood blanks etc.
- Resin Artists: Resin, colour pigments, moulds etc.
- Painters: Paint brushes, airbrushes, paints etc.
- Card Makers: Cards, stamps, stencils, accessories etc.
It could even be as simple as a tube of paint, adhesive, or a finish that you used!
We’re grateful for your custom and continued support and in return, we want to support you by giving you and your small business an additional platform to showcase your work.
Want to get involved?
A new theme is released within the first week of every month. Click here to find out the latest theme!
Submit a piece of your work with the following information by email:
- Your name
- Your small business name (where applicable)
- Your small business social media links (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest)
- A link to your website or online shop (where applicable)
- A few words explaining what inspired your piece and how it relates to the theme of the month (up to 50 words)
- What tools/materials were used to make your piece (up to 50 words - at least one tool or material must be a Turners Retreat product)
- 3 photos of your work from different angles (please ensure your work is well lit and photographed against a plain background for the best results)
Please send your submission by email to with the theme, month and year as the subject line, for example 'Romance - January 2023 Entry.’ The deadline for submissions based on each theme will be the last day of that particular month.
Terms & Conditions
- You may only submit one piece of work per month.
- The work you submit must be your own. No copyright pieces please.
- Photographs that include people will not be used, please submit photos of your work in a well-lit area against a plain background.
- Submissions sent to us one month will be made live on the website the following month, for example, if you submit work in January, it will be live on our website in February.
- If you change your mind and would like the photo of your work to be removed from our website, please get in touch to let us know.
By sending us a submission, you agree for Turners Retreat to reproduce your photo and prose and edit it as we deem appropriate. This may be for another purpose later down the line where full credit will be given.
Enjoy and happy making! We look forward to seeing your work soon.
Looking for a Maker?
View the submissions sent in to us by choosing a theme below. If there is something in particular that you are looking for, some Makers are able to accept commission based work. Please contact them directly for more details.





Food & Drink



British Wildlife



New Beginnings







