Heavy Duty Framing Chisel
Heavy Duty Framing Chisel 285
Long (10.1/2') , thick blade designed for large framing work when working with deep mortices where extra strength is required.Blade tapers along its length.Fitted with rugged ash handle.Overall length 19.5'
from £79.14
Chisel Edge GuardChisel Edge Guard
Chisel Edge Guard F285EG25
We highly recommend edge guards to protect yourself and your tools. Available in 1", 1 1/2" and 2" sizes, these tough leather guards are a snug fit for both the 285 and 286 framing chisels.
from £8.40

Heavy Duty Bevel Edge Framing ChiselHeavy Duty Bevel Edge Framing Chisel
Heavy Duty Bevel Edge Framing Chisel 286
A large framing chisel. Designed to handle the rigours of deep heavy duty work. Side bevel enables under-cutting. Fitted with Ash handle. Similar to the 285 Framing Chisel but with a bevel to give extra clearance in the cut. Tapered along the length. Fitted with a heavy duty Ash handle. Overall length 15.5"
from £104.28
Heavy Duty Corner Chisel
Heavy Duty Corner Chisel 28725
Also known as a 'bruzze'.Heavy duty version of the popular cabinet makers corner chisel.For cleaning up deep corners of mortices or other grooves.Sharpen each face individually using an oil stone.Fitted with a rugged ash handle to withstand heavy use.Overall length 18.5'