Jo Sonja Metallic Paint
Product Description
Jo Sonja's Metallic Colours are used to achieve dramatic effects in stenciling, colour bands, highlighting, liner work, bronzing, verdigris and faux finishes. The metallic colours are compatible with all Jo Sonja's mediums. Sometimes, however, the metallics don't crackle as easily. It is better to crackle the background first, then carefully dry-brush the desired metallic colours over the top. The metallic colours can be easily mixed with all Jo Sonja's Artists' Colours to create different metallic effects.
- Series 2 Metallic Colour (Matte Flow Acrylic)
- Available in 6 colours
- Tube size: 75ml
Customer Reviews
By Mr David Lawrence on 13th February 2023
"Great metallics, all colours go on well and dry to a beautiful lustre. Very happy"

How to Use
Please note, iridescent colors appear milky white until dried. Label palette to avoid confusion.
- Apply to prepared surface full strength or thinned with medium, depending on desired effect.
- Use a variety of techniques (eg sponging, stroking, dry brushing, splattering or overglazing) to apply Iridescent Colours. Colour will be more intense if undiluted. Apply undiluted to accent details using a dry brush technique.
- Thin using a small amount of Flow Medium. Apply with a sponge or brush. Use thinned colour for a glaze over a painted surface. Brush a medium coat of thinned colour over prepared surface. Create various effects and patterns by removing the overglaze with a sponge, plastic wrap or cloth for a ‘ragging off’ technique.
- For spattering, thin as needed using small amounts of Flow Medium or water for consistency desired. The more Flow Medium used, the more transparent the color becomes. Spatter by pulling thumb over the end of a firm bristle brush filled with thinned color to create desired effect. May be applied over a barrier coat of Clear Glaze Medium so that excess spattering can be easily removed.
Approximate coverage: 1ml = 125 sq cm 1 oz = 4 sq ft
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